Self-Booking: Karl Becker
This Self-Book Feature is Appropriate for Individuals Who Are:
Seeking relief from mild to medium mental health symptoms
Able to keep themselves and others around them safe
This Self-Book Feature is Not a Fit if You Are:
Experiencing moderate to severe mental health symptoms, including safety concerns. Examples of this might be psychosis, reasonable threat of harm to self or others, or severe obsessive patterns.
Experiencing a significant loss of functioning, such as difficulty communicating or difficulty completing tasks of daily living (eating, sleeping, completing hygiene, etc.)
If you are struggling with severe and persistent symptoms or a significant loss of functioning, we want to help! Please contact the office directly so we can connect you to services for ongoing therapy with a therapist specific to your concerns or alternative interventions. Call or text 541-343-1728, or email to speak to our Client Service Associates. We look forward to it!
Book today with Karl if you meet the above guidelines and if:
You are 16 years of age or older.
Wanting help with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Self-Esteem, Spirituality, Life & Career Transitions, Grief & Loss, Family Conflict, and/or Processing Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Are planning on using self-pay or are insured through an OHP insurance plan or Moda.
If this feels like an appropriate match, click the button below to find an appointment.